Monday, June 02, 2014

day 9

It was a slow start as i stayed up watching the hawks lose to the kings.  for craig’s sake, i’ll say “go rangers”.  I rode up the St. Lawrence river, passing St. Lawrence National Park (1000 Islands).  I don’t know if there really were 1,000, but there were a lot, even though some of them only had about 100 sq. feet above water.  Several of the medium sized ones had docks and houses.

I didn’t know it was even on my route, but when I saw the Fort Wellington national monument, I decided to stop.  It was originally built before the War of 1812 (covered in just a few days in history class) and then re-built during the Upper Canadian Rebellion, before eventually becoming a national monument.

I continued on up the St. Lawrence river and entered the province of Quebec.  Suddenly, all of the signs changed from English/French to just French.  I can read a little French and know a few basic phrases.  We’ll see how I do in Montreal tomorrow.

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