Tuesday, June 10, 2014

day 17

As it would take too long to go from Cape Vincent, NY to Toronto, ON (my next stop) and see Niagara Falls, today was going to be a shorter setup day of riding.  This was nice, given the long day of riding yesterday.  I slept in a bit and had nice breakfast with Joanne and Ken before leaving in the late morning.

The weather was pleasant, but quickly became overcast.  It's been over a week since I've ridden by the lakes, and I forgot how much cooler it is to ride by them.  As I passed through Rochester, there was a light fog rolling in off the lake over the river.

It never fails that I get some comments or questions about my bike whenever I stop.  At the first stop today, a guy told me that he only learned a few days ago that BMW made motorcycles.  At the second stop, another guy asked me if I was on my way back from the Americade motorcycle rally in Lake George, NY and then started telling me about his motorcycles, including his BMW Rockster (similar to mine).  I guess the camaraderie of motorcyclists goes beyond the traditional wave.

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