After deciding to take the 407 ETR (Electronic Toll Route) out of Toronto this morning, I began to get a little nervous. I saw no fewer than five motorcyclists pulled over to the side of the road, apparently having issues with their bikes. I wondered if I should pull over and offer to help, but it was a little difficult to do so when going 70 mph on an expressway. Thankfully I made it without any issues.
Today was my sixth and last border crossing of the trip, and the first one where I had to wait for more than one car in front of me. After about 25 minutes of waiting, it was finally my turn. After answering the same typical questions, the border patrol agent's ears perked up when I told him I lived in Chicago. He quickly stated how much he liked going there for the Lalapalooza and Pitchfork music festivals, to which I stated that I lived about three blocks from where they hold Pitchfork. He then asked me if I knew this cool Mexican restaurant, but he could only remember the last part of the name -- "star", to which I replied "Big Star". After this, I think he knew I wasn't making up any of my answers. When I was finally done with all of the questioning, I asked him if there was somewhere I could pull over to put my helmet and other gear back on. He said to just do it right where I was, even though there were about 30 cars in line behind me, so I did.
So after almost 4,000 miles, I have finally seen the fifth and final of the Great Lakes, Lake Erie.
It felt like a minor accomplishment and I knew I was finally nearing the end of my trip. Before that, though, I still had some riding to do through many New York vineyards and deal with some more annoying intermittent rain showers.
As I approached Cleveland and passed the 4,000 mile mark for the trip, the weather finally cleared and the sun came out. I continued on past many large lakefront houses on my way to my brother Chris's home. I had never been to his new house, nor met my new nephew Will. After everyone arrived home, we had a nice dinner on the back porch then went to the beach to see the sun set over Lake Erie with some ice cream.