Tuesday, August 15, 2006

day 4

What started out to be a great day riding, sunny, cool and no wind, turned out to be more of an adventure (don't worry alex - nothing bad) as the day went on.

Sticking to my plan of not taking any major highways, I headed west out of Minnneapolis on county highways. After making good time and getting to where I initially planned on spending the night by about 2 pm, I decided to go a couple hours further to a campground closer to the Badlands in South Dakota. What I didn't realize was that I would have to go about 80 miles between gas stations. When my low fuel light went on about halfway to where I wanted to go, I checked my gps for the nearest gas station. It was the same distance back as it was forward, so I continued on. I think if it hadn't been for the strong head winds I would have made it.

With about 5 miles to go, I felt the engine starting to sputter. I pulled up to a house and started walking up the driveway. About half way up, two pit bulls came running out to meet me, not too happy that I was on their turf. The owner came out and I explained my situation. It turned out that she bred pit bulls and they were just being protective of a new litter. She was very kind and was able to give me enough gas to get me to the next gas station. I hope I have learned my lesson for the rest of the trip.

I am now camping out for the first night at the Kennebec, SD KOA off of 90. It is actually pretty nice - pool, internet access, laundry, convenience store, tv. I guess I could get use to this, at least for a few days/weeks. Tomorrow I will be off to see the Badlands and surrounding sites.

Thanks again for all of your comments and support.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh, pedro, i am so sorry to hear this. it looks like you lived one of the lessons that ewan and charlie did (on the "long way round") - the kindness of strangers and humans, in general, should never be overlooked. at least no one had to weld your frame and then accidentally cut your brake lines. :-)

honey and i are well. she's actually hanging out by the sofa with me tonight (on her pillow, of course). her ears perk up every time the elevator doors rumble open - she's still looking for you.

no worries about the mobile phone coverage. thanks for the note. hang in there, b. we love you.

aLex & hunney