Tuesday, August 22, 2006

day 11

ok, it's picture time. sorry this is late. it took me a while to get all of the pictures edited. if you want higher quality versions, please let me know and i will try to send them to you (it may not be until after the trip is over).

one thing i have noticed on this trip is that it has been dry just about everywhere i've been, from minnesota to washington. several of the campsites i stayed at didn't even allow campfires. so far, i have seen two active forest fires and ridden through the remains of two others (occurred this summer). the most recent one i rode through was between browning and st. mary, mt. i could still smell the burnt pine, even though the fire had been put out almost three weeks prior. in every town, there are posted signs showing the fire risk for the day (almost like a weather alert). just about every one i have seen has been "very high". below are pictures of two active and one extinguished fires.

casper, wy - 08/17/2006

glacier np - 08/21/2006

omak, wa - 08/22/2006

last night i stayed in couer d'alene, id. on the advice of mike, whom i just met the night before, i changed my plans from riding to boise, id to riding along highway 20 in washington state. i am very glad i changed my plans. not only was the weather a little more amenable, but the road was amazing. there were not many sights to see along the way, but the twists and turns were very nice.

i rode past the pend oreille river and couldn't believe how calm the water was.

pend oreille river, wa - 08/22/2006

further along highway 20, this old house caught my eye. when i first rode past it, i though it was fake, like from the set of a movie. i doubled back to get some pictures of it, along with a sign posted along the highway.

pflug mansion 1 - 08/22/2006

pflug mansion 2 - 08/22/2006

pflug mansion sign - 08/22/2006

this last photo is from glacier national park in montana the previous day.

glacier national park, mt - 08/21/2006

i have now travelled into my third time zone (currently pacific, previously mountain and central). the funny thing is that i have not changed any of my clocks (nor do i want to). i guess it is one of the few things i have of home.


Anonymous said...

hola, pedro. honey would say 'hi' too, but she's hiding from thunder and lightning in the closet.

when we were watching the long way round, i wasn't surprised to see vast areas of undeveloped land in kazakistan, mongolia, or russia. (siberia has a rep for being that way.) it's just so strange to see land like this - off the grid, not one sign of man in some pictures. i know it sounds ignorant, but i couldn't imagine places like this exist in the u.s.

i guess seeing the pics brought the whole "no mobile connection" thing home to me.

i really enjoyed the pic of the home nestled in those rolling hills. i could live there if we could have wireless internet, directv ... oh, and fedex delivery. imagine what h would do in those hills. i wonder if we'd ever see her again. i imagine she would find plenty to eat.

the apartment is ready for mike and sue. most of my stuff is gathered in a pile ready for seattle. (i remembered my helmet and passport.) please don't take this as a complaint - but after two weeks of solo honey care, getting up at 4:30 to go to the gym, and work, i am ready for a holiday of any duration. to think that in 18 hours i will see you and tim is a bit unbelievable.

i cannot wait to see you. gb you.

much love,

aLe of aLedro

p.s. here's the life mainentance stuff. please ship the extra sleeping bag back. while i could deal with it, i just don't feel like it. after all dude, it's my holiday too. >:-)

i will be taking a cab from seatac to the ace hotel. flight arrives at 15.00. hopefully, today's storms don't result in equipment delays.

Anonymous said...

Your Glacier National Park photo is my new desktop wallpaper. Keep them coming! Want any advice for where to sleep/eat in Denver?